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100% real extra virgin olive oil

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Benefits of High Polyphenol Products: Why Should We Consume?

Polyphenols are superhero antioxidants found naturally in plants! These compounds that work miracles for health are found in many foods we consume every day. So why are polyphenols so important?

1. Protects Cells
Polyphenols fight harmful free radicals in our body. In this way, they protect our cells from aging and diseases. In other words, polyphenol = elixir of youth!

2. Heart Friendly
They also contribute greatly to heart health. Polyphenols relax blood vessels, prevent inflammation and lower bad cholesterol. The best way to thank your heart!

3. Fights Cancer
Studies show that polyphenols slow down the growth of cancer cells. If you want an extra shield for your body, foods with polyphenols are for you!

4. Protects Your Brain
Polyphenols boost brain function, keep your memory sharp, and help prevent cognitive problems that come with aging. Don't forget polyphenols for a fit mind!

5. Digestive Friendly
It's also good for your gut! Polyphenols regulate digestion by supporting healthy bacteria. So both your stomach and gut are happy.

6. Balances Blood Sugar
It reduces the risk of diabetes and keeps your blood sugar balanced. Especially products such as cocoa and olive oil are effective in breaking insulin resistance.

You can start by trying our high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil. It’s a great way to boost your health and culinary pleasure!

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